Let dance transport you

Grace and Nora’s Dance Among the Stars

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to art. I’ve admired the way brushstrokes create a swell of emotions and the way notes join to become a song so dynamic you have to move. Whatever form art takes, the individual elements—whether words or notes or lines—work in unison to express a greater story.

When I first saw Grace and Nora dance, it was simply beautiful. They moved together telling a tale of friendship, stillness, struggle, joy, and triumph. There was art in Grace’s fluid movements, Nora’s pointed toe, Becky’s choreography.

And their story did what captivating stories do—it inspired even more art. From the poignant videos by Mitch Dong (like this one) to Jacob Montague’s delicate melodies in Music Box: Songs for Nora, Grace and Nora’s story has continued to inspire artists across mediums. I’m honored to take part in amplifying this story through my children’s book Grace and Nora’s Dance Among the Stars.

With the turn of a page, let dance transport you into fantastical worlds and the magic of dreams. I hope this children’s book helps people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds experience the joy and wonder of art.

This book would not have been possible without the stunning illustrations in which Narine Olennikova so masterfully captured the whimsical melody of this story. Thank you to all the people who’ve also been inspired by these two dancers and assisted with this project.

For more on this special project, visit our Kickstarter page (live Dec. 14-Jan. 13): Grace and Nora’s Dance Among the Stars.

I look forward to sharing this book with all of you soon.



Children’s Book Kickstarter Results


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